Monday, 28 May 2007

seven virgins, gold scissors and a cup of tea

visited local tea factory at weekend and learned all about "white tea", apparently the world's most expensive and recently re-introduced by said tea factory based on ancient Chinese practice of having seven virgins harvest the buds of tea leaves, using gold scissors and wearing white gloves - the tea is meant to be completely uncontaminated by any human oils before it reaches the teacup! They don't use virgins in the new factory, but everything else is (apparently) done as per Chinese tradition.

Anyway, it's very nice (light and refreshing) and of course, there was the obligatory end-of-tour gift shop hard sell, so I've now got a box of the stuff!

Also saw amazing feat of Scottish engineering - they still use the same machines to sift, dry and generally process the tea leaves that were imported by the British over 100 years ago - don't make 'em like they used to etc etc!


Anonymous said...

we want pictures!
we want pictures!
we want pictures!

Emma said...

look, technology is just not working for me - sorry! think they're all too big for the lines here to cope with but am going to internet cafe tomorrow so may have more luck there!

you'll be sorry when you're forced to endure the slide show on my return x